

An abortion is the premature termination of pregnancy ending in the death of the embryo or foetus. However abortion can also be defined as the death of the embryo or foetus without human interference.The ethics and morality of induced abortion has become the subject of an intense debate in the past fifty rears. No matter how you look at it, abortion is simply the murder of a living human being and therefore should not be tolerated.

Everyone knows that killing another human is wrong. No just because the law forbids it, but because it goes against all our moral and ethical beliefs about the importance of human life. Why then are people allowed to terminate the life of an unborn child? The Catholic church states that all life is sacred no matter what, whether born or unborn makes no difference.During the three main methods used during abortion, the baby is kill in probably the most horrific and painful way possible.The foetus is within the mother’s body and she produced it, therefore she should have the right to terminate it as she does any other part of her body. Is abortion the murder of an unborn child? Many argue that the rights of the mother exceed the rights of the foetus, and that while the foetus is a living organism it does not constitute for a human being. With these aspects in mind the concept of abortion is justifiable. How anyone can justify the killing of an innocent child is beyond reason, and mothers who have abortions can also be harmed.

What people may not be aware of is that abortion is also potentially dangerous to women. “The proportion of women sho are reported as having complications has fallen from 5.8%
(1970 - 74) to 0.6% (2000). However, within this small percentage, infection (9.4%), haemorrhage during surgery (46.9%), and perforation of or trauma to the body of the uterus (3.1%) are still a concern.” This is from page fourteen of The Abortion Issue. According to that only a small percentage of women suffer complications, however a large percentage of those are very serious, even life threatening complications. Abortions can be dangerous, not just physically but mentally, with many women becoming severely upset or depressed.
In Australia in excess of sixty thousand unborn babies are killed each year. Since 1977 will now over one million babies have been killed, legally. That’s more then in all major wars from 1899 to 2000. Arguments supporting abortion in rape cases have been used and supported but that still isn’t considered morally and ethically right by most, especially the Catholic church. Abortion may seem like a quick fix at the time, but there can be many harsh consequences and such actions are completely immoral and unethical and go against everything taught about the importance of human life.


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